About Us

Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission

We seek to help grow authentic life in the Church by investing deeply in young people who have made a commitment to follow Jesus with their lives and equipping them to become missionary disciples, knowing that the fruit of their relationship with Jesus will evangelize the world.

How We Do This

  • Offer deeper formation opportunities ordered towards the ordinary life of a missionary disciple.

  • Develop a mentoring culture through professional training, retreats, and a supportive community

  • Grow a culture that speaks about and gives witness to the work that Jesus is doing in the present moment.

Our Values

  • We value authentic evangelization, fully reliant on the work of the Holy Spirit

  • We value meeting individuals where they are at and offering opportunities in response to their desires and needs.

  • We value formation in the spiritual life as a driving force for all other areas of formation.

Suscipe is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. No goods or services were received in exchange for your contribution.

Upcoming Opportunities

Other Upcoming Events

Suscipe Behold Worship Nights - Sioux Falls, SD
A Trivia Night to Remember - Suscipe

Feeding the Spiritually Hungry