Worship Nights

What is Behold?

Behold is a time of prayer and praise that seeks to draw us into the heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. It is an event held every 6-8 weeks in the Sioux Falls area that includes praise and worship, Eucharistic Adoration, and prayerful reflections. The event is free and open to the public.

Upcoming Sessions

Sunday, February 23rd at 7:15pm
St. Michael Parish, Sioux Falls

Suscipe Behold Worship Nights - Sioux Falls, SD

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are these events for?

Behold Worship nights are free and open to the public. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Is there a cost?

Behold events are free and open to the public!

Donations are to Suscipe and/or the hosting parishes are most welcome to help support this initiative. Suscipe is a 501c3 organization and relies on donations to maintain its ongoing (and growing!) ministry.

What is the schedule?

Although it may vary depending on the hosting parish, Behold nights generally start with praise and worship, a short reflection is offered followed by more praise and worship. Then there will be a time of Eucharistic Adoration and the event will end with closing prayer and praise. The event will typically run about 90 minutes.

Confessions may be offered during these events.

Upcoming Opportunities

Other Upcoming Events

Suscipe Behold Worship Nights - Sioux Falls, SD
A Trivia Night to Remember - Suscipe

Feeding the Spiritually Hungry